Mirror Interview: Retro chic for… rock chicks

Ich habe hier das Interview aus dem Mirror Magazine für euch.

What’s your style like?
Lisa: We don’t really follow anyone’s sh*t. We tend to dress to suit our mood – sort of grunge and glam. We love vintage.
Jess: Dita Von Teese is a great style icon. She’s classy and sexy. We love the whole 50s pin-up look. And she’s not a slave to the fake tan which is great. We also like the Olsen twins. And Peaches Geldof.

Have you ever bought clothes for a boyfriend?
Lisa: Yeah, for my boyfriend Reeve. And I’m good at it. I never thought I would be.
Jess: I’m single. But I’d never want to change a guy’s style. Style is important so I’d have to like how they looked already.

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
Jess: I’ve had trousers fall down. We wear battery packs clipped to our waistbands which sometimes weighs them down.
Lisa: I’ve had straps break. You just hang on to it until the end of the song. I’ve also worn lowcut singlets and my boob has fallen out. But I’ve been in a bra so it doesn’t matter.

Who dresses best – Brits or Aussies?
Jess: The Japanese and British are always ahead of the pack. In America, where we spend a lot of time, there are great classic designers but it’s a bit boring. Even American H&M compared to the British one is more formal – you’d never believe they were the same shop. British guys dress the best too. It’s a sort of old world look. I love it.

What’s your most extravagant purchase?
Jess: A jacket I bought in New York. It cost about £500 and I only wore it once. It was cool and sequinned.
Lisa: We tend to spend a lot, but have 10 things to show for it.

Legs or cleavage?
Lisa: One or the other. That looks cool and not skanky. I don’t mind showing cleavage but it’s got to be the right outfit.
Jess: I say legs.

What wouldn’t you be seen dead in?
Lisa: A muu-muu, like the one Homer Simpson wore when he got too obese for real clothes! I was going to say a jump-suit…
Jess: But you’d totally rock that.
Lisa: I’d say high-waisted long jeans. We’re short so it wouldn’t do us any favours.

What is your best bargain?
Jess: I bought a pair of vintage pilot-style boots from Camden market and they cost £3. Vintage is good for me as the sizes tend to be smaller. They are the greatest thing ever and such a bargain. I wear them everywhere.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Lisa: Close to 40 pairs. I brought eight over for this trip.
Jess: The same. We’ve got really small feet though, size 3, so it’s hard to find shoes that fit.

What’s the wackiest thing you’ve ever worn?
Lisa: We’ve dressed as cats before.
Jess: And we recently did a fashion show in outfits covered in sequinned bananas.

Postat av: Emmy

asbra blogg! :)

älskar the veronicas <3

2009-10-24 @ 12:15:52
URL: http://emmyssecret.blogg.se/

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